
We publish a wide range of stories on a weekly basis, including articles and essays produced by fellowship participants, transcripted lectures, and original pieces by the Futuress team, often in collaboration with partner organizations.


We offer a lively monthly program of online workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and networking events around the politics of design.


Our authors and lecturers come from a globally-dispersed community of mostly womxn and non-binary designers, writers, journalists, editors, researchers, educators, artists, activists, and beyond.

#Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk About Collective Practices No. 3

Aug 17, 2023 | 6 pm CEST | online | group conversation | co-moderated with Abigail Schreider

Let’s Talk About Collective Practices No. 3

This open group conversation discusses the challenges and subversive potential of collective practices.

Collective practices create ways of sharing experiences, co-producing knowledge, and relating to one another, centering connection, understanding, and solidarity—but they can also generate friction and contradiction. Embracing these differences and making space for pluriversal ways of being requires a daily practice of learning and unlearning. To move beyond hierarchies within activist work, beyond individualism in education, and beyond competition within work environments, we need to not only restructure the systems in which we live and work, but also to depatriarchize our minds.

In this session, we’ll discuss the challenges and subversive potential of collective practices, and ask:

💬 How can collective work actively embrace friction and disagreement?
💬 What resources, histories, and frameworks can we learn from?
💬 Which challenges does collective work face in our neoliberal world?

“Let’s Talk” is an open conversation format to exchange working methods, research topics, and issues related to working in the fields of arts and design, culture, and education. It aims to connect across disciplines, support one another in professional struggles, and inspire to learn from each other’s questions, doubts, concerns, and victories.

This topic was pitched by Denise Araouzou.

The event was co-moderated with Abigail Schreider (she/her), a service designer bringing discussions around issues such as care, diversity, inclusion, and collectively organizing the workplace.


This event is possible thanks to a generous grant from ProHelvetia.